
Daffodils Bring the Sunshine of Hope

On April 1st, I woke up, looked out my widow and noticed a half foot of snow covering everything in my yard.  It seemed like an April Fools joke from Mother Nature.  Then I thought again . . . 

You see, daffodils are peeking through the snow at my house.  They are always the first to bloom - even before warm days are here to stay.  They are always the first to break through the soil and give me hope that brighter days are ahead.  They beckon me to do the same - spread sunshine and hope even when dumped on by the challenges of life.

I believe the summation of our life will be our response to our trials.  We don't get to choose what happens to us - we do get to choose our response.

I want to be more like the daffodils at my house - bright beacons of sunshine and hope even before the warm days are here to stay.